Freitag, 30. September 2011

Montag, 26. September 2011

and on...

I did it.
I covered the hole patch on the right with ivy. That took me 2 days. And the ivy and the roses on the arch another day. No blooming ones, cause it's still springtime in my garden :)
I had to punch every leaf, then cut the stem off, paint the veins, then emboss them and glue a new stem. Approximitly 10000000000 million times. I'll never do that again. At least for the next days :o)
Of course I'll plant some stuff between it, I thought about some columbine, dandelion or grass. And there will be a fern in the rear edge, but I didn't receive the laser cuts yet.

Do you have any suggestions for plants between the ivy?

I think I'll do the pond next, not quite sure how, but we'll see :)

Freitag, 23. September 2011

and it goes on and on....

Ich hab so das Gefühl, mit dem Shabby Häuschen nie fertig zu werden... Das is noch so viel, was ich machen will, aber dauernd fehlt die Zeit dafür. 
Heut Zeit ich euch mal das halbfertige Badezimmer. Die Möbel stehn zwar schon drin, aber der ganze Schnickschnack drumrum fehlt noch komplett.
Aber das Bad is auch so schon schön shabby find ich :)

It seems to me, that the shabby cottage is a never ending story. There's still so much to do and so few time to do it. 
Today I want to show you the under construction bathroom. I mean the furniture is already there, but almost everything else is still missing.
But I think it captures the shabby style quite nicely already :)

Donnerstag, 22. September 2011

Crown imperial/Kaiserkrone

Ich nehm mir bis Ende der Woche eine Auszeit von meinen Hausarbeiten an der Uni und hab endlich mal wieder gebastelt :) Diese Kaiserkronen sind das Ergebnis.

I took some time off from my studies and had time to do something in mini :) These crown imperial are the results.

Sonntag, 11. September 2011


Puh, ich hab endlich wieder mal was geschafft. Auch wenn ich jetzt grad wieder eine Bastel-Zwangspause einlegen muss, damit ich meine ganzen Sachen für meine Uni mal fertig mach :(
Die Körbchen haben alle einen Boden mit Rosenstoff beklebt und sind gewickert. Sie werden einen Platz auf meinem Messestand finden :)

I finally managed to do something although I have to quit crafting the next time because I have so much stuff to finish for university :(
All these wickered baskets have a base decorated with floral fabric and they will go on my table for my next miniature show :)